Hi my friend! How are you?

Can you tell that I'm currently staring at the ceiling with my thoughts jumbled together, utterly lost for words? Wondering genuinely, how these ceiling sheets were put together. Who even thought of it? Why exactly am I even thinking about it all? Who inspired building houses? How did we even get here? What is this world becoming these days? Why do we have to work and think of what to eat? Now I feel like crying, but why exactly?

I mean the only task was to take down my Christmas tree, but how did that lead to a total unveiling, to me having my life flash before my eyes. A grown-ass adult like me is on the floor because she fell while taking down her Christmas tree. And as I lay down appreciating the beauty of architecture and how we as humans have evolved, I wonder if that is in any way helping me to 'unfeel' the pain I feel in my back. My wee dining table collapsed on my aged back when I sought rest. I mean, how does this affect my future now? Why am I starting to see stars on my ceiling? Is this what the world is about? Maybe I'd die alone because why is no one coming to help me get up. Oh! I live alone because I said I wanted my space. Maybe I should get a flatmate now. My life is becoming too fragile. I don't think I can actually get up. Should I maybe phone 999 for help? Maybe I should reply to that DM and see if there's a chance of me getting married in a few months. WHY CAN'T I STOP THINKING ABOUT THINGS? WHY IS MY BACK HURTING SO BAD?

Oh, snap, my mother is calling. I also need to reply to an email. Did you realize that I've gotten myself up from the floor at this point? I have superpowers, my friend. Oh no! I've dented the wall, there goes my deposit. This is not what I saw when I dreamt of my big girl life. But you know what my friend I'm alright, How are you?

Always Remember ❤


Efosa said…
Not great but not bad either. A quarter life crisis is at hand. Thank you for asking .

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