The society and the peoples identities

part 1

In contrast to the prior meaning of gay, which is 'joyful or bright', it also refers to the homosexual personalities in our society today.

"In the late 19th century, gay became the adjective used in describing the sexual orientation of the homosexual people. The use of gay to mean homosexual was often an extension of its application to prostitution. The application to homosexuality was also an extension of the word's sexualized connotation of 'carefree and uninhibited', which implied a willingness to disregard conventional or respectable sexual mores. (Wikipedia)

This article seeks to provide explanations on why and how persons begin to realise this 'sexual identity', or choose this 'sexual preference'. Lately, from observations, I have identified a number of factors that are contributing largely to the increase and growth of the GAY family. These reasons can be traced to psychological as well as societal linkages. This means that both the physical and the mental environment of a person has a great effect on helping that person build an identity for himself or herself.

One major societal problem is fitting in and belonging to a class where you feel welcomed, appreciated and valued. A class where you feel important and you have the opportunity to share your opinions and contributeto the larger society. Every individual in the society, local or international wants an identity for himself, a profile that stands out, an identity that can be easily connected to him. We all seek relevance in the society, we want to be recognised and appreciated. 

Basically, my drive for this article is the fact that this sexual exploit has obtained an important position in our modern society. Today, we find a number of important and high profile sectors of the society advocating the legitimacy of homosexuality. The wall between the Nigerian society and most western societies on the issue of homosexuality, is the level of the participation of their various individual governments.Here, it is considered a crime and is treated as a major offence, but in most western states, it is a legal practice. Although, it is more pronounced in the western society, advances in globalization has brought about growing records of a few proponents of homosexuality within the African society. The government's zero indulgence in homosexuality here in Nigeria has not totally ended the practice and this sexual exploit, as we have proponents reaching out to the media to advocate.

Seeing this new wave making attempts to sweep away our moral and sexual conduct, with the intentions of restructuring the society, has given my heart a great burden to carry. The thrive for this new sexual identity and sexual preference is like following a new trend and trying to keep with current events, this is causing so many people to realise their gay personality and strive to live it and protect it. The society has contributed alot to this considering its acceptance in some regions and the agaents of globalization. This article will further identify and discuss some reasons which we might consider minor or less important, but when we make deeper analysis we realise thta they're the basic initiating factors that cause people to find this gay sexual identity, or choose gay sexual preference, and also cause them to fight to preserve it...


Unknown said…
Great article, Naanpoe tho I don’t know if the solution is that easy to find. Ofai.
Mariam Shaldas said…
lol,I know it isn't. but hopefully we'd get to tackle the triggers and eventually reduce its increase rate.
Unknown said…
Roomie nyc article 👌
Mariam Shaldas said…
thanks roomie 😊

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