I always hear “trust the process” and I also preach “trust the process”, but I have never really understood what the process is and I only started to ask myself this question just recently – what is the process?

The general idea we all have about the process is that it entails “the time between the achievement and actualization of our goals”. This is the perfect definition there is, but I figured that there could be more to this process phase. Hence, I have categorized my process phase into; waiting and working. A lot of us are familiar with this as well, but we may not understand it in depth.

WAITING; waiting means staying where you are until something happens – literally! My Oxford dictionary told me that. In our process phase, waiting can also mean staying somewhere apart from that which you desire. Could be a job opportunity, hair/skin/body goal, a gadget you want, life partner, dream car/house, title or promotion, grade, etc. Waiting means that you desire it, but you are apart from it. I don’t know if this makes any sense to you at this point, but I hope it does.

WORKING; here again, my oxford dictionary tells me that working means to do something that involves physical or mental effort. *I trust the process, then why should I work? I don’t even have the job I desire yet, so what work am I actually doing?

Do you also tell yourself statements like, “I want to do a video and share my ideas, but I don’t have the equipment, my phone is not capable, I don’t have the skill, it’s not my strong point? Or maybe the previous semester you consumed your entire notes and textbooks and didn’t get the desired grade, and you’re not sure how it’s going to happen but you’re still expectant this semester. You’ve tried so many skin/hair products and nothing’s changed positively, and so on. I did too, and I still do but I have learned that there are right approaches to things like these, and I like to call them the “WORK”.

First and foremost, I’ve learned to keep a journal. My journal is for the things I’m waiting for – a dream job, hair/skin/body goal, and many more. Writing in detail the kind of life I want to lead and how I want to add value through these goals of mine. Having listed the things I’m waiting for, the next step is to write out the materials and skills needed. So I’m saving up to get the materials needed and I’m also learning new skills because I want to be efficient when the things I’m waiting for finally come. Meaning that we should consciously develop the mindset and lifestyle to maintain our desires when they eventually arrive. Moving forward, make action plans. Write out the way you want the video to play out, how the job will fit into your schedule, how you will be able to maintain balance, and much more. This is important so that when that desire finally comes, there’s already an established frame for it to fit in. you don’t want to finally get the job or the equipment and then be clueless on the way forward, or how to manage your time, or how to be effective.

Also, the end of the waiting and working period may not be as you had hoped for, still, you should know that it’s never a loss of investing in yourself and developing yourself. So while you trust the process and hope for the best, be sure to wait and work and be grateful at the end of the process.



Unknown said…
Wait and work !! I love it, sounds like it should be the mantra for 2021. Thank you babe 💛
Emelis Ebubeoniso said…
Thank you for this. A lot of times, we want to "trust the process" but we don't want to really wait and work like you stated and rightly too. Another thing is character balance during the waiting and working period. Developing the right character and/or maintaining the right character while waiting and working is very essential and would be one of the determining factors for sustenance and growth when what we've been waiting and working for comes. God bless you sis.
Unknown said…
The point that stood out for me was the importance of journaling.
It's important to have a clean safe space to pour out our thoughts while trying to figure out the process.✌🏽
Gimbiya said…
Thank you for this! Someone hofted me some face products and the very first time I put on the products I kept touching my face as though the change would happen immediately 😂😂 waiting can be difficult but in the end it's worth it.

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